Melissa at BC
Melissa at Lynn
Melissa at Assumption
Melissa at Hyannis
Narcan Testimony Recovery Day 2013
Prayer Card
  Prayer Card
  Funeral Mass
  Reading 1
  Reading 2
Memorial Service
  Memorial Service
  A friend

Personal Reflection

A friend

I will never forget the first time I met Amy. We had been going out for a friend's birthday at a restaurant. I met a few people that night but there was definitely something special about her. Almost immediately, we were bonded. COming from similar backgrounds with similar pasts, I knew I was about to embark on the most important friendship of my young life.

I feel so fortunate to have known her. I regret that so many people missed out on this chance. She was really one of a kind...

This weekend has taught me so much. It taught me how important family is. It astounded me to see how much love there was. Amy was so loved. I hope she knew this. Another thing I learned was just how consequential our actions can be. As young adults (I use that word lightly), we act in our own self-interest and tend to believe "it won't happen to me." It pains me to know how much my family and Amy's family have put into raising us to be smart, successful, caring individuals. We are fortunate to have been raised in the families we were. We had all the tools to achieve anything we wanted. For whatever selfish, stupid reason, we choose to make mistake after mistake. I realize now that my family was never trying to annoy me or prevent me from living a "fun" adolescence but in reality, doing anything in their efforts to protect me. I have a feeling that Amy realized this too.

Amy made some bad decisions but she also had the most beautiful and loving soul. I will never forget her.